
Importance of Community: New Webinar with the CEO of Meetup

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Here comes the sixth episode of the CHI Talks series! This time, we have a special guest covering an important but often overlooked problem – the state of interpersonal relationships and communities in our daily lives.

The IT industry is widely known for its remote work policies giving companies limitless room for maneuvering in hiring employees and searching for clients. But at the same time, it causes a new challenge – a lack of connection.

We’re living in one of the loneliest eras in human history. According to the Cigna research, 58% of American adults felt lonely in 2021. Moreover, 79% of adults aged 18 to 24 reported feeling lonely compared to 41% of seniors aged 66 and older. The pandemic has only driven us further apart, and our health has hung in the balance. 

Join the Importance of Community in Professional and Personal webinar on August 22, 4 pm CEST. David Siegel, CEO of Meetup, will explore why adults have trouble making authentic connections and share how people are using technology to find real friendships. 

Importance of Community in Professional and Personal | Webinar with David Siegel

Since 2002, Meetup has been a go-to platform for connecting with others over shared interests. Learn insights from the only social media platform that wants its members to log off their devices and connect in real life.

David Siegel has 25 years of experience as a technology and digital media executive. Prior to joining Meetup, David was the CEO of Investopedia and, before that, President of Seeking Alpha. 

David is also an adjunct professor at Columbia University, teaching strategic planning and entrepreneurship. He is the author of Decide & Conquer: 44 Decisions That Make or Break All Leaders and hosts the podcast Keep Connected, dedicated to the power of community.

Our webinars are live events for you to engage with David directly by asking any questions on the topic.

Join us on our LinkedIn page on August 22 at 4 pm CEST. Follow the link to register for the event.

CHI Talks is a series of free webinars initiated by the CHI Software team to uncover all sides of the IT industry, from AI engineering to MarTech and sales. With the help of prominent experts, we delve into details and leave no questions unanswered.

About the author
Polina Sukhostavets Content Writer

Polina is a curious writer who strongly believes in the power of quality content. She loves telling stories about trending innovations and making them understandable for the reader. Her favorite subjects include AI, AR, VR, IoT, design, and management.

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