
Generative AI Development Company

Still trying to figure out how to approach evolving AI innovations? Try out generative AI development services with our help. CHI Software will guide you through the latest tech trends and make them a part of your business and, most importantly, your upcoming success.

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Generative AI Development Services We Provide

  • AI Software Development Strategy & Consulting

    Any AI project should start with thoroughly planning and evaluating your future efforts. We help you conduct profound market research with our business analysts, draw a project roadmap with AI engineers, and estimate software development risks and costs. It’s everything you need to make you feel you’re moving in the right direction.

  • Generative AI Development

    CHI Software is a generative AI development company that uses all its knowledge and expertise to provide custom solutions for your needs. Our team goes far beyond standard approaches and utilizes machine learning, data science, and natural language processing to make your project stand out and become successful. Always remain one step ahead with AI that serves only your goals.

  • AI Model Training & Customization

    We also customize already existing AI tools with your corporate data to achieve the highest results with AI integration. CHI is here to make innovations a piece of cake and start smoothly. Be it cloud migration, API integration, or model fine-tuning, our team is here to offer what we know best – technologies that change businesses for the better.

  • Software Upgrades & Maintenance

    AI tools will only deliver the desired results consistently if you care about their performance. Fortunately, you can delegate this task to the CHI team. We introduce the latest tech updates, provide continuous model learning, and fix inconveniences. Our task is to make sure that your AI tool brings value to your business in the long run, following market tendencies and your business strategy.

This Is How We Do It: Our Generative AI Development Process

  1. Conceptualization

    We begin with identifying the purpose of the generative AI model and our efforts. Whether for creating textual content, designing visuals, or any other application, the primary step is clearly defining why we’re working on this project.

    • Project Proposal that outlines the goals of your AI project and its potential application. It is also a roadmap of the development process.
  2. Data Collection

    In the second stage, our team focuses on gathering the data to train the AI model. We check every available data set and its relevance to our project.

    • Data Collection Report, where we uncover data sources, collection methodology, and data structure.
  3. Model Training

    This is the part where we take all that data we've gathered and start teaching the AI model what to do with it. The algorithms, at this point, soak up all that knowledge so they can start making sense of things independently.

    • Training Log
    • Initial Model Evaluation
  4. Refinement and Evaluation

    Now, we're at the point where it's all about trial and error with the AI model. We test it out, see how it performs, and then tweak things here and there based on how well it's doing.

    • Model Refinement Report
    • Performance Evaluation
  5. Implementation

    We take your AI model and put it in the real world, letting it do its thing – creating content or coming up with solutions for people.

    • Deployment Plan
    • Integration Guidelines
  6. Ongoing Improvement

    Once we've launched the AI model, it's not like set it and forget it. We keep an eye on it, see how it's doing, and give it updates based on new information and user feedback. We also ensure your AI model keeps up with the times and gets caught up.

    • Continuous Improvement Log
    • Update Schedule

What Advantages Will You Get with Our Generative AI Services?

  1. Personalization at Scale Our generative AI expertise will help you whip up content that feels like it was made just for your client. Technologies become a one-of-a-kind personal assistant, sending messages or product suggestions tailored to what your customers like and need.

  2. Automation of Repetitive Tasks Estimating how much time and effort you can save with generative AI features is easy. We will help your employees generate comprehensive reports, software code, and some types of customer service responses in seconds!

  3. Content Creation Creating content is the fundamental gen AI feature. Text, images, videos, music – you name it. Of course, it won’t replace humans any time soon, but it can be a great source of inspiration and new ideas in the marketing, advertising, and entertainment fields.

  4. Streamlining Supply Chains As a generative AI development company, we can help you predict what your customers will want before they even know it or play out what-if scenarios in your supply chain. This means you’ll keep just the right amount of stock on hand, cut down on waste, and improve delivery times.

  5. Enhanced Decision Making Our generative AI services will provide you with simulations and predictions of future market trends and what your customers might be into next. You’ll be able to make the most informed decisions based on facts at any given moment.

  6. Data Augmentation Generative AI can create fake data that looks like the real deal. This is particularly useful when information is scarce, sensitive, or expensive to collect. This advantage means a lot for machine learning training in healthcare, finance, or security.

Tools & Techniques for Outstanding Generative AI Solutions

  • Generative AI Tools

    • LLM: GPT-4, Anthropic Claude, Google Gemini Pro, Misral, Mixtral, Grok, Llama, Gemma, Groq, AWS bedrock (foundation models)
    • Frameworks: Langchina, Langgraph, LlamaIndex, DSPy, Llama Hub, Perplexity, Ollama
    • AI Agents: Langchain agents, CrewAI 2.0 , AutoGen

  • Deep Learning Frameworks

    • PyTorch
    • Caffe2
    • NVCaffe
    • Chainer
    • Theano
    • MXNet

  • Modules / Toolkits

    • Kurento
    • Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit
    • Core ML

  • Libraries

    • OpenNN
    • TensorFlow
    • Sonnet
    • TF-Slim
    • Tensor2Tensor
    • Neuroph

  • Frontend

    • TypeScript
    • AngularJS
    • Next.js

  • Backend

    • Node.js
    • Python
    • R

  • Python Frameworks

    • FastAPI
    • Flask
    • Django

  • Cloud Providers

    • AWS
    • Microsoft Azure
    • Google Cloud

  • Image Classification Models

    • VGG16
    • ResNet-50
    • Inception-v3
    • EfficientNet

  • Embeddings

    • OpenAI
    • HuggingFace (BERT, RoBERTa for text, CLIP for images, Wav2Vec2)
    • textembedding-gecko by Vertex AI

  • Algorithms

    • Supervised/Unsupervised Learning
    • Clustering
    • Metric Learning
    • Few Shot Learning

  • Neural Networks

    • CNN
    • RNN
    • Representation Learning
    • Manifold Learning
    • Variational Autoencoders
    • Bayesian Network
    • Autoregressive Networks

What Expertise Can You Get by Hiring Our Generative AI Development Company?

  • Text Generation

    Generating texts with AI begins a new content creation era. You can use innovations to create marketing content or technical documents. Or you can go even further and use text generation for personalized messaging that conveys a specific sentiment when chatting with customers.

  • Image Generation

    Generative AI provides absolutely unique visual content in seconds that you can change at any time. Think marketing materials, product design, or data visualization – all of it is at your service at any moment, saving your time and investment.

  • Video Generation

    Craft compelling visual stories at the speed of imagination! This cutting-edge technology transforms ideas into captivating videos, perfect for marketing, training, or showcasing products in action. Generating visually stunning narratives has never been easier.

  • Speech Generation

    Yes, from now on, you can generate crystal-clear, human-like voices, turning text into engaging conversations. You can give life to virtual assistants, personalize customer interactions, or deliver impactful presentations. Add a personal touch to all your business communication using just one tool.

  • Data Synthesis

    Any AI-powered solution needs data for training. It’s a given. But what if available real-life data is not enough? Generative AI responds to this issue. Our generative AI development company can create synthetic data for any industry, improving its quality and diversity.

  • Language Translation

    Translating texts doesn’t seem a “creative” task for a generative AI model. But that’s only the first impression. In fact, neural machine translation models generate original texts during translation. And, as with any generative AI solution, they get better at this craft with time.

Our Expertise in Generative AI Models

Types of Generative AI Models We Use to Help You Reach Your Goals

  1. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

  2. Variational Autoencoders (VAEs)

  3. Transformer Models

  4. Diffusion Models

  5. Hybrid Models

  6. Autoregressive Models

  7. Flow-Based Models

Why Clients Choose CHI Software for Providing AI Innovations

top technologies
Strong Record of AI Projects

“Strong expertise” are not just big words to us. We’ve worked on 60+ AI projects focusing on machine learning, natural language generation, image recognition, and more. The AI industry is broad, and we’re ready to introduce it to you.

The Best Price-Quality Ratio

CHI Software means quality. You’ll get the brightest talents for a lower cost without sacrificing your workflow or transparent communication. Our generative AI development company provides solutions to any business, regardless of size or industry.

End-to-end Software Development

Generative AI is only a small part of the services we can offer you. We cover everything from UI/UX design and business analysis to testing and deployment. You contact us once and get a software development partner for dozens of goals.

our clients

  • Livegenic
  • sephora
  • MediaMarkt
  • banyan
  • Meetup
  • Minespider
  • vodafone
  • partner-image
  • Trapelo
  • Foresight Mobile
  • Telus
  • Sabre
  • omio company logo
  • NayaTech
  • partner-image
  • Pax
  • BTO
  • lecre
  • tchop
  • share medical
  • SBWorks-logo
  • Climacell
  • logo_exelerate

Even More Insightful Reading


AI is generating the future of technology! Here, we explain how it works and who benefits from it.

  • What is generative AI? arrow

    Think of generative AI as a creative machine that uses deep learning capabilities. Gen AI solutions train on heaps of data to create something unique, like texts, images, video, music, and so on.

  • How much does generative AI development cost? arrow

    The answer depends on what exactly you need. We can say for sure that generative AI integration would cost you at least 2,000 USD. This estimate includes integrating the ChatGPT API into your infrastructure. Further customization will increase your investment. But no worries. You can contact our team right now and ask for a rough estimation based on your software requirements and available data to train the model. We guarantee you’ll get maximum information to make a decision.

  • Do you offer generative AI integration services? arrow

    Yes, we do! It is actually the least we can offer for your business goals. Our team has worked with various generative AI APIs and custom solutions, making them a part of our clients’ infrastructures. If you have other generative AI development services in mind, like initial research, testing, or deployment of your gen AI solution, don’t hesitate to message CHI engineers.

  • What industries can benefit from your generative AI development services? arrow

    There is hardly an industry that cannot benefit from our gen AI services. First and foremost, we want to mention healthcare, finance, e-commerce, manufacturing, education, and entertainment. We’ve worked with all these industries and saw with our eyes how it can change internal processes and business results. But we’re sure that generative AI benefits will serve great for any business.

  • How to ensure data security and confidentiality when using generative AI tools? arrow

    To achieve the desired level of security, you should use a mix of methods and techniques. Our team implements encryption, secure data storage, and access controls. We also follow specific regulation guidelines established by ISO, GDPR, and CCPA. Finally, regular audits and compliance checks come out on top as soon as your AI solution is ready and running. This way, we help you protect your data against emerging threats

  • Do you provide training and support after implementing generative AI solutions? arrow

    Absolutely. We firmly believe that you’ll benefit the most from AI only by understanding the basic principles of its work. Our job is to make generative AI your reliable partner in business optimization, so we provide comprehensive training and always remain by your side for future updates. We'll be here for fixes and adjustments if any questions or issues emerge.


Start your gen AI journey right here!

Contact our AI team to build a roadmap for your project.

Let’s bring your idea to
life together!

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