Success Stories Businesses Leveraging Geosocial Networking

Success Stories: Businesses Leveraging Geosocial Networking

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Imagine you moved to a new city. How would you discover your new area? A good idea is to visit a coffee place or shop nearby to meet people and observe the neighborhood. Geosocial networking platforms are here to help you by connecting you with other people and businesses based on their location. 

Location-based networking has become a trend. If you run an app, adding geosocial networking features can make your product stand out from the competition. In our piece, we have gathered eight stunning examples of businesses leveraging location-based services for their growth. And let us start with a case from our practice. 

Geosocial Networking App for Business: Our Insights

Social media is not only about posting and commenting. A networking platform should be closer to its users, suggesting relevant occasions and places to visit in the real world. Thus, our client approached us with an idea to develop a geosocial networking application.

The core of the new app was an AI-powered recommendation system suggesting local venues and events according to user interests. The client also briefed us on adding a voice GPT-based assistant for even better user engagement. 

The most urgent task was developing a recommendation system prototype to present to the client’s investors.

What technologies to use for geosocial networking apps? Read more

Geosocial Networking Solution: Features

Our team immediately started working on the solution with these key features:

  • Event-focused calendar: The main information flow is organized around a calendar of events based on a user location;
  • Interest-based channels: The content is divided into topic feeds according to user preferences;
  • AI-powered recommendations: An advanced algorithm analyzes user tastes and in-app behavior to suggest relevant venues and events;
  • Dual language support: The app ‘understands’ English and Vietnamese and can translate street names and signs;
  • AI-powered voice assistant: The feature offers convenient information search and translation on the go;
  • Private in-app chat: Users can safely communicate, post photos, and share locations.

What Business Results the Client Gets

Thanks to the fresh app concept and innovative features, our client is hoping to achieve great results:

  • Competitive edge: Owing to fast and relevant recommendations, user retention is projected to increase by up to 6%.
  • Smarter marketing: The recommendation system shows only relevant location-based advertising and promotions. So, our client predicts better customer satisfaction and up to 8% boost in conversion rates.
  • Better customer support: The GPT-based assistant quickly processes queries, which means less work for the support team and shorter response times. The average reply arrives faster by 5%. 
  • More engaged users: The audience warmly meets AI-based app features, and the solution creates a market buzz, so the client expects up to a 20% increase in the number of active users.

Please refer to our detailed case study for more information. 

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Using Geosocial Networking for Business: 7 More Success Stories

Geosocial networking features can be the essence of your business app or an optional feature that attracts new users and helps monetize your project. Let us inspire you with remarkable examples, from a well-known social media platform to a road navigation solution. 


Tinder helps people find somebody to love, spend an enjoyable evening, or grab a coffee together. The most installed dating app utilizes user location data to show potential matches and their proximity. Though the app knows where users are, it never discloses an exact spot to maintain privacy and safety. And the audience appreciates that: 64 million people use the app, with 1 in 6 choosing to pay for a subscription.

Pokémon GO

Pokemon GO

The augmented reality (AR) game developed by Niantic encourages players to visit real-world locations, catch cartoon characters called Pokemons, and complete other missions. As an option, Pokemon seekers can make friends, complete challenges together, and trade their hunts. 

Though the game had passed its peak in good old 2016, it still has around 40 million downloads per year. 

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Originally a GPS navigation software, Waze stands out by combining location-based services with a dynamic networking element. The app encourages drivers to report traffic, speed traps, and road accidents, making its users a united community. 


Nextdoor app

The platform groups its users in closed communities. The app serves as a network for neighbors, so every member has to prove their identity and location to participate. Nextdoor connects households, local businesses, professionals, and public agencies. Big brands are welcome, too, but only with localized promotions and offers. Here, people exchange community news, get recommendations, and find goods and services nearby. Small businesses can benefit from geosocial networking and find their customers online. The app operates in 12 countries and has over 40 million active users weekly. 


Strava app

Refusing to be just a fitness tracker, Strava became a social platform for runners, cyclists, and other outdoor enthusiasts. A community of 100 million athletes encourages its members to share training stats, find new race buddies, and join local sports communities. The app also uses geosocial data to promote sports events and, in that way, contributes to their active attendance 


Facebook Events App

The biggest social network employs location-based services in different ways. The most obvious one is letting users share their location in posts and stories and check in at restaurants, gyms, airports, and other real-world venues. 

Features like Events or Marketplace use location information to suggest happenings or stuff they can buy in their area. 

And, of course, Facebook uses geosocial data for customer insights and targeting and offers businesses the option of location-based advertising and promotions.

Geosocial networking has many faces. Which one would you choose for your project? Share your thoughts with us


One of the pioneers of geosocial networking, Gowalla was closed in 2021 and relaunched again in 2023 to catch a trend for more localized social connections. The app helps people meet with their real-world contacts in physical locations. Users can safely share their current status and position with friends and find new interesting places nearby. 

To Sum Up

Using geosocial networking in your app can be a smart move for your business. But as our inspiring examples show, it works only if you can balance personalization and privacy

To establish this balance, you should know your customers well. And expertise in artificial intelligence, software development, and digital security guarantees that your idea works as expected. 

We at CHI Software became a reliable technical partner to many stunning solutions that won their audience, and we are ready to give you a hand with your next project. Just let us know where we can help. 


  • How does geosocial networking drive more foot traffic to a local business? arrow

    Geosocial networking apps can attract consumers in local business venues in many ways. Location-targeted ads and visitors’ check-ins make business more visible to new customers, while positive reviews raise the level of trust. Businesses can also directly interact with their potential audience in geosocial apps by promoting special offers and discounts and encouraging them to leave feedback.

  • How can I use geosocial networking to promote events and increase attendance? arrow

    Geosocial networking can help businesses attract new customers in numerous ways. Location-based social platforms often list events and recommend them to users based on their interests and location. Another way is to encourage event visitors to mention events in stories, posts, and comments for further promotion.

  • What are the latest trends in geosocial networking for businesses? arrow

    The hottest trends in geosocial networking for 2024 are super-local advertising and promotions, interactive AR/VR experiences, and hyper-personal offers based on location and personal profile characteristics. Better privacy is also in focus next year.

  • What are the best ways to improve brand visibility using geosocial platforms? arrow

    Brands get a lot of opportunities to reach their customers in geosocial networking apps. First, they can create relevant location-based content and make events for their audience. Second, cooperation with local influencers and encouraging visitors to write positive reviews may also help. Third, brands can offer special deals to become more popular on a platform.

  • How can geosocial networking benefit local business partnerships? arrow

    Geosocial networking platforms become places where small local businesses meet their customers. People can discover new venues from reviews, comments, and check-ins, visit events, and use special deals. Using the potential of geosocial networking helps local businesses stand out in their areas.

About the author
Alex Shatalov Data Scientist & ML Engineer

Alex is a Data Scientist & ML Engineer with an NLP specialization. He is passionate about AI-related technologies, fond of science, and participated in many international scientific conferences.

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