
NLP Development Services

Natural language processing development might seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be with a reliable partner by your side. That’s why you’re on this page – you need guidance in the tech world, and we’re here to help.

CHI Software is an NLP development company with a track record of unique projects and satisfied clients. We help you engage with each of your customers, driving conversions and building brand loyalty. Ready to give NLP solutions a try?

Check out our portfolio

NLP Services We Are Ready to Offer

How exactly can we be helpful to your business? Check out our NLP development services explained.
  • NLP Consulting

    Finding a starting point is one step that defines the flow of the whole NLP development project. CHI experts can readily help you, taking into account the individual traits of your business and its customers. We carefully learn your request, research your market and industry, and design a work plan.

  • Text Classification

    NLP developers from our company can sort text into predefined categories. It’s like you organize your documents into folders but on a much larger scale. As an NLP as a service provider, we can handle any type of text content you have at hand and continuously keep it in order.

  • Named Entity Recognition (NER)

    NER is a nifty tool that helps identify and categorize names, dates, places, and other important entities within a text. Our natural language processing developers pick out key information, making it easier to spot crucial details without wading through all the text.

  • Chatbot and Virtual Assistant Development

    Integrating chatbots is among the most popular NLP business development services. We create smart conversational agents that can interact with your audience via text or voice. These agents can answer questions, provide support, and handle various tasks, making these tools invaluable for customer service and beyond.

  • ChatGPT Integration

    Do you need a solution within a tight timeframe? ChatGPT integration could be your perfect choice. OpenAI provides ready-made tools (APIs) that we can integrate into your existing tech infrastructure. Customization won’t be a problem as well. We have experienced NLP developers and UI/UX designers to make new software a natural part of your workflows – as if it always has been there.

  • Text Summarization

    Text summarization boils down long pieces of text into concise, easy-to-read summaries. It’s like reading meaningful CliffsNotes for an article or report without all the fluff. This can be incredibly useful if you want to stay on top of large volumes of content.

  • Speech Recognition and Synthesis

    Speech recognition converts spoken words into text, and speech synthesis does the opposite, turning text into spoken words. These NLP development services power up voice assistants and transcription to help users interact with devices more easily and access information hands-free.

  • Sentiment Analysis

    As an NLP app development company, we can recognize the mood of any piece of text. Whether it's a tweet, review, or comment, sentiment analysis helps you understand if the overall feeling is positive, negative, or neutral.

  • Machine Translation

    Machine translation takes text in one language and automatically translates it into another without human involvement. A tech-based personal translator is available 24/7, helping you communicate effortlessly across language barriers. Machine translation is perfect for businesses with a global reach.


Start off your NLP development journey with the CHI team – it’s that simple!

Contact our engineers

How Your Business Can Benefit From NLP Development

Why do more and more companies turn to our natural language processing company? The answer is simple: they want to evolve and remain competitive. That’s what you get with NLP.
  • Enhanced Customer Support

    With the chatbot’s help, you can address common queries at any time of the day. Machine translation makes your services available and understandable in any corner of the world. Finally, sentiment analysis can process every customer review to provide you with the deepest analytics.

  • Improved Operations

    There’s no better automatization technology than artificial intelligence, including the NLP niche. Algorithms can automate several repetitive tasks at once, such as data entry, document processing, and information extraction. The work is done in minutes with little to no errors.

  • Deep Personalization

    Every customer wants to be heard and known, and NLP developers make it possible. Technologies constantly analyze customer preferences and behavior to help you provide highly personalized recommendations and, more importantly, build marketing campaigns focused on your audience.

  • Advanced Data Insights

    What can you do with all the business data around and inside your organization? It can be more helpful than you think. Natural language processing solutions can analyze emails, social media posts, and corporate documents to help you create an informed business strategy and better understand the market.

  • Enhanced Product Development

    Where should you direct your product development efforts? That’s a common dilemma, especially when competitors breathe down your neck. Natural language processing technologies collect and analyze feedback from various sources to highlight workflow bottlenecks and hint at the following product improvements.

  • Competitive Advantage

    Natural language processing services push your business forward and differentiate your offering from competitors. Providing 24/7 support won’t go unnoticed by your customers. Moreover, well-informed business decisions based on data will help you see the bigger picture and oversee market trends.

Our awards and certifications

aws certified
ai excellence award
top 100 global outsourcing
iso 9001-2015
iso 27001-2015
designrush AI Award
clutch logo
the manifest most reviewed companies

Are you ready to start your NLP project? Let’s discuss your first steps.

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NLP Technologies for Developing the Best Solutions

  • Programming Languages

    • Python
    • Java
    • Scala
    • C++

  • Machine Learning Frameworks

    • Apache Mahout
    • Apache MXNet
    • Caffe
    • TensorFlow
    • Keras
    • Torch
    • OpenCV

  • Machine Learning Libraries

    • MLlib
    • Theano
    • Gensim
    • spaCy
    • Scikit-learn
    • NLTK
    • Re
    • Transformers – Hugging Face

  • Data Science Cloud Services

    • Amazon SageMaker
    • AWS Lambda
    • Amazon EMR
    • AWS Glue
    • Amazon Transcribe
    • Amazon Lexm
    • Amazon Translate
    • Amazon Translate
    • Amazon Comprehend
    • Azure Machine Learning
    • Vertex AI
    • GCP VertexAI
    • Google Colab
    • Cloud Natural Language API
    • AutoML Natural Language
    • Cloud Translation API
    • Dialogflow
    • Speech-to-Text
    • Text-to-Speech
    • AI Platform
    • BigQuery
    • Dataflow
    • Dataproc

  • Big Data Tools

    • Apache toolkit:
    • Hadoop
    • Spark
    • Kafka
    • Hive
    • ZooKeeper
    • Elasticsearch
    • Apache Solr
    • HBase
    • Databricks
    • Amazon Redshift
    • Snowflak

  • Data Visualization Tools

    • Power BI
    • SQL Server
    • Tableau
    • Grafana
    • Chartist.js
    • FusionCharts
    • Datawrapper
    • Infogram
    • ChartBlocks
    • MongoDB
    • Matplotlib
    • Seaborn
    • Plotly
    • Looker
    • Widgets

What Our Clients Say About CHI Software


Lecre Inc. works in cooperation with CHI Software to create applications based on Computer Vision. The CHI Software dedicated team successfully delivered these products and coped with all the challenges. We are pleased with the results and ready to continue with new projects.

hisashi takano
Hisashi Takano

Director at Lecre Inc


At Imagine Learning, we highly value our collaboration with CHI Software. Their skilled AI and generative AI engineers have significantly enhanced our K–12 education solutions.

With CHI Software’s help, we have developed tools for providing feedback on student writing, mechanisms to create learning content based on reading education strategies, and a series of chatbots that provide efficient and accurate information access for our teams. Their ability to deliver specialized applications swiftly demonstrates their agility.

Jason Fournier

VP, Product Management, AI Initiatives at Imagine Learning


We became partners with CHI Software as they have a wide range of experience in the healthcare domain. The team worked on a personalized health monitoring system with AI integration. CHI Software implemented our idea into the solution with effective time management and resources.

Raz Evenor
Raz Evenor

VP Business Development & Product Management at Owlytics

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    Need more specifics? This section will give you a general understanding of our NLP services company and its workflow.

    • What is the typical timeline to deliver an NLP project with CHI Software? arrow

      The timeline for an NLP project depends on its complexity, but we usually get an initial proof of concept (PoC) ready in about 4-6 weeks. A full-scale implementation typically takes between 3-6 months. We can provide you with a rough project estimation from the beginning of our communication. What our engineers need from your side is a project vision, goals to achieve, and information about current issues that you’d like to solve with technologies.

    • How do you ensure the accuracy and reliability of your NLP models? arrow

      The secret behind accuracy and reliability in NLP business development is using the latest algorithms and techniques. We train our models with extensive datasets and perform regular evaluations to improve them. Plus, our NLP developers incorporate your specific domain knowledge and feedback, making our models even better.

    • What kind of support and maintenance do you offer after deploying the NLP solution? arrow

      Our tasks after deployment are to provide regular monitoring, performance tuning, and updates. We are confident that every CHI engineer can cope with any issue and keep your solution performing well.

    • ow do you handle data privacy and security in NLP projects? arrow

      Data privacy and security are top priorities for all our clients, both NLP startups and established firms. We follow strict data protection regulations and industry best practices to provide the most reliable custom NLP services. Our approach involves data anonymization, encryption, and secure storage. Only authorized personnel can access your data, and we conduct regular security audits to guarantee everything is safe.

    • What is the cost structure for your NLP development services? arrow

      Our cost structure is flexible and tailored to your project’s specific needs. We usually focus on these main factors: project complexity, data volume, and integration requirements. We offer various pricing models, including fixed-price, time-and-materials, and dedicated teams – it highly depends on the scope of work. We know for a fact that each NLP solution is unique, so your needs will play the main role in project planning.

    • How scalable are your NLP solutions as my business grows? arrow

      Our solutions are built to grow with your business. We use cloud-based infrastructure (AWS, Azure, and others) and modular architectures to ensure scalability. As your business expands, we can quickly scale up the resources and enhance the NLP models to maintain performance and accuracy.


    Find out how your business can change with NLP development.

    If you feel the time has come to discuss the details of your idea with our team, we’re always here.

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