This fall, the Mobile Unit of CHI Software introduced some essential updates for the company’s in-house product, the HeadSet Battery application. These updates include a new application design and a stable version for the most popular types of devices. The application now works with all Bluetooth headphones as well as Apple AirPods, and more. 

What Problems Does the HeadSet Battery App Solve? 

The first problem is an unexpected battery drain caused by streaming music apps. Indeed, popular streaming apps use both a lot of data and screen time, so the user’s battery discharges quickly. 

Another reason for battery drain is working remotely with many online conferences and meetings on Zoom, Skype, Microsoft Teams, and other online platforms.

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One more problem HeadSet Battery solves is headphones loss. Powered by the last location feature, this app demonstrates the last connected/disconnected event place on the map.

Besides, some headsets don’t have a battery indicator, which causes inconvenience to users while listening to music or working. 

That’s when the HeadSet Battery Android application can help. It was built for all music fans and people with loaded online meeting schedules, to allow them not to worry about the battery level of their Bluetooth devices.

What Are the Main Application Feature Updates?

Headset Battery: app updates

The latest HeadSet battery application version: 

  • Provides a convenient battery indicator;
  • Warns the user about the low battery in advance;
  • Shows the location of the last device connection;
  • Supports the display of 2x and more devices;
  • Reports on the status of the battery;
  • Works with all Bluetooth headphones and Apple AirPods.

What Are the Updates in Terms of Design? 

The UI/UX designers at CHI Software are experts at researching, designing from scratch to full-fledged prototypes and adding improvements to the products on the go. This time, our creative team updated the initial app according to the latest UI/UX trends. 

  • More user-friendly, intuitive design. It was one of the main requirements for the app update. So now it’s easy to navigate the app screens, select needed settings, see the types of headphone models, and review the history of connections to the device (date and time).
  • Neutral interfaces and content-focused experiences. This update decreases the mobile app’s complexity to a minimum and makes the user interface almost invisible by removing all decorative elements. Such content-first layouts help users consume the content without being distracted.
  • Dark Theme. Dark is the new black in mobile application design. Such themes reduce the luminance emitted by device screens while still meeting minimum color contrast ratios. 

Ivan Kuzlo, Mobile Solution Architect at CHI SoftwareIvan Kuzlo, Mobile Solution Architect 

“I suggested the initial HeadSet Battery application idea and, of course, worked on the first app version. This project allowed us to add valuable features not provided by Android.

My mobile team created an app that could monitor the charge of Bluetooth headsets or headphones and warn users about their low levels. Since we started in 2015, we have been regularly updating the app, adding new features and devices like Apple AirPods. I believe in the bright future of this app and I’m glad it helps people.”

CHI Software team is working on constant app improvements based on the received users’ feedback, adding new Bluetooth headphones and features with every new app release.  

Download the HeadSet Battery app. 

About the author
Irina Turchanova Content Writer

Irina is a Creative Writer with 10+ years of experience within the software development domain. She is keen on everything tech and gets easily inspired, follows all the recent IT-related trends, and loves creating interesting content for the CHI Software blog, and social media.

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