Video Streaming Service
The project aims to provide a complete audio post-production ecosystem, enabling different people responsible for product creation to participate in the process in a remote manner.
The client wanted to create a custom social network with video streaming that mimicked a real nightclub online. The app aimed to connect people, host virtual parties with music, and share interactive videos on multiple devices. As the project advanced, a new feature called the Virtual Companion was added, providing different roles like teacher, friend, advisor, and party companion.
The latest figures state that at least 9 in 10 Internet users now use social media each month. It means that 58.4% of the world’s population uses social media. The average daily usage is from 2 hours and 27 minutes (as per January 2022 research).
In spring 2020, when Covid-19 pandemic started, people had to adjust to a new reality, staying at home and talking online. This influenced the communication industry greatly. That’s when the idea of video streaming platform development like Clubhouse appeared.
Our client is a US-based media startup aiming to support people’s communication during pandemics. The main product idea was to offer a new social networking app, an online nightclub with parties, good music, and interactive videos.
This solution will cover all platforms and popular devices, for both mobile and desktop users.
– To check the idea (concept) of a new social platform during the pandemic time
– To develop a social media network solution from scratch for the USA target audience
– To avoid out-of-the-box solutions like Twillio and find custom software development services for desktop and mobile solutions
– To show stable prototypes for investors’ approval
– To add a new feature. As the project progressed and new possibilities emerged with the GPT model, our client wants to add a new feature: the Virtual Companion.
– Our team started with a profound discovery phase with a lot of market and competition research.
– To check the value from every selected feature, we began to apply the Use Case Scenario and User Stories + AC approach.
– We decided to avoid out-of-the-box solutions like Twillio to quickly adapt to changing requirements and advised custom software development services for all platforms of the client’s interest.
– To validate the client’s idea, we created working prototypes within the MVP stage.
– Currently, we are working on Virtual Companion’s feature enabling users to interact with AI-powered conversational agents that simulate human-like conversations. The GPT model can be leveraged to develop Virtual Companions by training the model on vast amounts of conversational data. The model learns to generate responses that closely resemble human conversations, allowing users to engage in natural and engaging interactions with the Virtual Companion.
Different Roles of Virtual Companions in Social Networks
– Emotional support: Virtual Companion acts as an empathetic listener, providing emotional support to individuals. Users can share their thoughts, concerns, or experiences, and the Virtual Companion responds with understanding and empathy, offering comfort and companionship.
– Personal assistant: Virtual Companions can assume the role of personal assistants, helping users with tasks such as scheduling appointments, setting reminders, managing to-do lists, and providing information on various topics. They serve as reliable and accessible helpers, streamlining daily activities in socials.
– Language practice partner: Virtual Companions can assist users in language learning by engaging in conversations, providing vocabulary and grammar suggestions, and offering pronunciation guidance. They create a simulated language practice environment, enabling users to improve their language skills.
– Entertainment: The Companion entertains users by engaging in interactive storytelling, jokes, trivia, or even participating in multiplayer games. They serve as fun and engaging companions, offering entertainment and amusement during social interactions.
We chose to avoid out-of-the-box solutions like Twilio because the project involved extensive product research. Instead, a custom software solution allowed us to adapt to evolving requirements, making it the right choice for social network development with virtual features.
Swift, MVP(with coordinator), GoogleSignIn, AppleSignIn, RestAPI, SpriteKit, CoreMotion, Fastlane, WebRTC, third party libraries(Kingfisher), AVFoundation, XMPPFramework, MFMailComposeViewController, CocoaLumberjack, PushNotifications, FirebaseSignIn, WebRTC(simulcast), multiple environments, ContactsUI, CoreData
WebRTC, Smack (XMPP), Box2D, Kotlin, Clean Architecture, MVVM, Koin, Room, Navigation Component, Firebase, Retrofit, Moshi, CameraX
Back-end: Python (TBD)
Qt, QML, QWebEngine, GStreamer, WebRTC, STUN, TURN, ICE, RTP, DTLS, Janus, VP8, Simulcast, opus, XMPP, HTTP Rest, libphonenumber (Google’s phone number handling library), Firebase, Box2b, NSIS, Installer