15+ Innovative Ideas for AI Mobile App Development for Startups

15+ Innovative Ideas for AI Mobile App Development for Startups

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Suppose you are an ambitious startup aiming to enter the market with something cool and innovative. In that case, it’s high time to consider Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning toolkits for your new product idea.

We at CHI Software know that AI mobile development is not a thing of the future but a current reality. We decided to prepare a list of innovative ideas to build an AI app with explanations and examples of how it works and brings profit to businesses.

First, some essential facts about mobile apps and AI solutions.

The high-income mobile app industry is growing every year with an increasing number of  smartphone users. About 4.9 billion people are projected to be global smartphone owners in 2024. Another interesting fact: between 2016 and 2028, the number of global smartphone users is expected to grow from 1.4 billion people to 6.2 billion people. Find more details about these figures on Statista.

Number of smartphone users worldwide


Moreover, custom mobile app development services are also evolving. It means the app functionality that can fulfill users’ needs is also growing. AI has changed the way users do daily routines, like shopping, banking, and fitness.

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By 2026, the AI mobile market is expected to grow at a 25.1% CAGR and reach 22.08 billion USD. The main reason for this progress is that AI algorithms may be applied to any industry and significantly improve user experience.

So where to start? We always recommend validating new AI app ideas before any further steps. Let’s see if your new product idea is valid.

Steps to Validate Your Startup Idea

Indeed, it takes more and more for a young business to come up with mind-blowing AI-based application ideas and start developing at once. Chances are that your startup can fail, just like 9 of the 10 startups do, according to recent statistics. Any artificial intelligence ideas for mobile apps, even the best ones, can fail if you don’t take some precautionary steps:

  1. Research the app market and see what products with a similar idea are already in use;
  2. Check these products’ ratings, reviews, and customer feedback to see where you can do better, what functionality is missing, and what they are crazy about;
  3. Transform your idea into a product that solves end users’ problems (or just some problems). Don’t create just for the sake of creating;
  4. Once you know your idea is unique, and there are no such products anywhere, step further to identify your target audience and see how your product can help solve the problems;
  5. Always start with consulting and product discovery before development. This step will help create crucial product documentation, identify possible risks, and save time and money;
  6. Start small, with a proof of concept (POC) and minimum valuable product (MVP) to check how your product works for first users. Limit your app functionality to must-have only;
  7. And finally, trust the professionals when it comes to mobile app development.

Now, let’s see what artificial intelligence app ideas we have prepared for you.

Find some more inspiration in our article about AI-based apps for geosocial networking Read more

15 Innovative Mobile AI App Ideas for Startups

1. AI-powered chatbots

AI mobile app chatbot

A chatbot, or an interactive chatbot, is software that can conduct a conversation via audio or text. They are a part of the wider generative AI universe, where algorithms can generate new datasets similar to their current knowledge. By the way, our specialists provide consultations on Generative AI, so if you want to implement your idea in this direction, be sure to contact us.

No wonder that a lot of our clients are coming to us with generative AI app ideas. Imagine how much time they (and you!) can save by, for example, “hiring” an AI-based support agent. Other gen AI use cases include music creation, 3D modeling, content generation, image creation & editing, etc. Now, let’s get back to chatbots.

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Businesses use chatbot development services to save time, human resources, and money while keeping their users entertained. There are many text- and voice-based virtual assistants, such as Siri, Alexa, and Cortana.

In the end of 2022, the chatbot niche was blown away with the ChatGPT announcement (who hasn’t heard about it yet?). This OpenAI’s product made innovations easy for millions of businesses. All you have to do is to integrate your app with the ChatGPT API. And here are some stats.

By 2025, the chatbot market is predicted to reach 1.25 billion USD, a significant increase from the market size in 2016, which stood at 190.8 million USD. The most popular area for chatbot implementation is, of course, customer service.

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Our client is a leading Japanese telecommunication company. The main goal of this product was to add positive entertainment to the routine process.

Keep on reading about this case study via the link.

2. AI-driven geo tracking apps

AI mobile app geosocial networking app

Geosocial networking apps are a relatively new type social media represented by Yelp, Facebook Places, and Foursquare. These apps allow users to share their locations and find recommendations for locations, or venues.

Sharing our location on online social networks has significant advantages: it can help us find our way, pick restaurants and shops, and even locate nearby friends and other people within the selected radius.

How to set up AI-powered personalization Read more

Our other client wanted to create a unique geosocial networking solution powered by AI techniques for the local market.

Find out more on our website.

3. AI eCommerce apps

AI e-commerce app

Not so long ago, the sale of cosmetic products mainly depended on the physical store experience: the customer needed to try different shades or beauty products before finding the right one that suited them best.

Retailers now have to meet customers’ growing expectations for in-store engaging experiences. This is where machine learning app ideas (an AI subset) come into play, starting from chatbots and finishing with AI-powered solutions to pick up wished-for products fast.

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Besides, AI chatbots too are widely used in e-commerce apps thanks to their ability to collect user data, increase customer retention, reduce customer care and support costs, and much more.

Our client, a cosmetic retailer, has a variety of beauty items, including products for all skin types, under-eye care, and decorative cosmetics. They were looking for innovative mobile solutions that could analyze the customer’s face and type of skin and then offer the best-suited product and, thus, improve their customers’ experience.

Read in detail via the link.

4. AI-powered entertainment apps for pet lovers

Entertainment AI app for pets

We have researched the mobile app market and found out that there are not so many AI-based ideas for pet lovers. Even those few we find lack entertaining functionality or have numerous bugs. We decided to give tribute to cats and take the challenge to build AI software focused on pets.

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The idea behind this mobile application was to create and add entertaining masks for our lovely cats, take photos, record videos, and share them on socials. Initially, we called our app Snapchat for cats but decided to add even more functionality and boost our technical skills.

How it works:

  • A user takes a photo/records a video of their cat;
  • The app detects the cat’s face and finds key points (ears, nose, mouth);
  • The user can put on a mask from a list of suggestions on their cat;
  • And share the results on socials.

Currently, our AI/ ML team has developed an algorithm, and our Mobile Unit is working closely on the app. So follow developments on our case study page.

5. AI-based language learning apps

Investing early in AI for language learning can earn you both millions of loyal users and high revenue. Duolingo application is the best example of an AI-based language learning app. There is a huge base of working professionals and students using such apps to boost their communication skills in multiple languages. Using AI in a language-learning app can analyze the user’s performance, create dynamic tests, enhance motivation, and improve the overall experience.

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6. AI-based language translators

The language barrier is something we all have faced in our lives. This is why intelligent translator apps could be great partners for travelers of almost all ages. Such AI tools are way more accurate than traditional translation software, as they use Neural Machine Translation (NMT). Imagine a technology mimicking the human brain – this is exactly what NMT does using neural networks.

Probably, the most popular AI language translator was created by Google. But you can go further and create an app for specific business purposes. For example, Smartling helps businesses localize their content, translating it into 150+ languages. What business niche would you pick for a similar application?

7. AI-based voice assistant apps

Voice Assistant app powered by AI

FYI: nearly every 4th search made on Google is through voice. Users appreciate better and more convenient ways of searching; that’s why voice searching is in high demand. Whether it is a music app, an over-the-top platform (OTT), like Netflix, an e-commerce app, or any other app, a voice assistant is used everywhere.  A voice assistant app can perform phone tasks without users’ touch. For example, users can say “Play the Imagine Dragon Song” on the Spotify app, and it will start playing it.

8. AI-powered fitness apps and devices

AI startup idea fitness app

AI and IoT have gained momentum in the fitness industry. The most popular use of AI is in fitness solutions such as Smartwatches by Apple, Fitbit, etc. Such apps/devices make home workouts smarter and more entertaining. Find out more about smart watches on our website.

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Personal AI-powered training also became popular during the Covid-19 pandemic when people stayed home and did not attend gyms. AI trainers perform just like human trainers: they can advise you on an exercise, pose, etc. A user may also select a one-on-one setting to receive professional feedback throughout a workout on their posture.

9. AI/ML-driven insurance apps

As you know, vehicles develop certain technical issues that the owners only start noticing over time. Regular replacement of parts, oil, and other components keeps the car mechanism working well. If fuel consumption increases, it indicates a severe problem with the vehicle.

Our client, an Israel taxi fleet owner, noticed a relatively fast deterioration of car parts in their insured fleet. Damages led to extra expenses on insurance, maintenance, and repair services. The main product idea was to analyze car sensor information in real-time. We collect the following information: geolocation, acceleration, speed, cornering intensity, engine speed, and engine temperature.

AI and mobile app development under one roof? You are in the right place! Schedule your free call

The app uses AI for processing real-time and aggregates data to get behavior analytics. It helps insurance agents set smart coverage for aggressive drivers and helps regular drivers save on auto insurance.

Read in full on our website.

10. AI apps for supply chain operations

Supply chain optimization is one of the pillars of all logistics workflows. Sometimes, employees have to resolve issues right at this moment, and AI-powered mobile apps are a much-needed lifeline. Let’s see how it works using a real-market example.

Iota app for supply chain operations

Logistimo has created both iOS and Android apps to help businesses manage supply chains and logistics, specifically on developing rural markets. The app provides real-time insights about the company’s inventory, sales, and demand, allowing for prompt decision-making and, subsequently, improved customer experience.

11. AI-Based Healthcare Apps

According to recent research, over 38% of healthcare companies use AI technology to help with medical diagnoses. Around 100 different AI development tools were approved for medical usage in 2020. The most common specializations are hematology, cardiology, and radiology. Over 4.6 billion USD was spent on medical surgical robot use in 2020. By 2027, this amount is projected to increase by 17.4%. A machine-learning algorithm developed by Stanford University can precisely predict the death of hospital patients.

How to implement AI in your IoT solution? Read more

By 2027, healthcare will have the most advanced AI research and application equipment in comparison with other industries.

12. AI food delivery applications

Food delivery tools are a revolution themselves. Let’s be honest, they made our lives way easier by solving the problem of what to cook for dinner. But can it be even better for consumers? AI says, “Absolutely!”.

If an app is intelligent enough, it can provide personalized recommendations to each user based on their previous orders or location. Next, let’s take a moment of appreciation for chatbots and voice assistants. Infused with AI, they can help clients with any question or issue. 

On the business side, AI food delivery apps can help with route optimization or demand forecasting. They even ensure food safety by monitoring temperature and hygiene.

In September 2023, the famous Uber Eats announced the development of an AI chatbot able to answer queries, provide recommendations, and order food.

13. AI apps for interior design

Interior design can be fascinating and tedious at the same time! Picking the right colors and materials for walls, floors, and furniture does not seem as exciting when discussing it with each inhabitant. 

While the communication part doesn’t go anywhere, generative AI development services mixed with VR and AR (augmented reality) can make the burden lighter. Just point a camera at a specific location and get a 3D view of the room in a finished state. We’re sure people won’t stop renovating their houses any time soon, making innovative design an excellent app idea for a mobile startup.

Arch app

Let’s take Arch as an example. It’s a high-rating app available for iOS and Android users, which offers instant room transformations, 10+ design styles to pick from, and helpful recommendations for users to get affordable design services.

14. AI-powered travel planning

Traveling is back and not going to slow down. But considering some stress associated with trip planning, intelligent technology would come in handy, don’t you agree?

AI is here to streamline a lot of planning steps. For instance, searching for attractions in a new city can be a no-brainer with AI recommendations. Technologies are also good at tracking the traveler’s budget – another source of stress on any trip!

iplan.ai app for travelers

With iplan.ai, users will always feel at ease regardless of the location they visit. The app generates custom travel itineraries in the blink of an eye,saving travelers time and nerves. Who would miss such an opportunity? Moreover, iplan uses algorithms to create plans according to the individual hobbies and interests of a particular person.

15. AI-driven weather forecast apps

AI-driven weather forecast app

Travelers worldwide always check the weather forecasts before traveling. And here, AI-powered weather forecasting apps can help. They determine the accurate forecasting of climate in the preferred location.

For example, the NowCast weather forecasting app gives forecasts and suggests high-quality weather reports. AI also helps to gather any information regarding any change in weather conditions.

Wrapping Up

There you have it! AI-based app development promises many opportunities and allows you to make daring app ideas real. But that is not all. The list of AI app ideas we can help you develop is much more extensive. Here are some more AI-powered startup options just for you to have a bigger picture:

  • AI-based photo editing apps,
  • AI-based storage space cleaner apps,
  • AI-enabled cost-tracking apps,
  • AI dating apps,
  • AI-based meal planner apps,
  • AI-based cyber security apps.

Maybe we haven’t listed the idea you have in mind. Why don’t we discuss your thoughts on this point? CHI Software has solid expertise in AI and ML development services, and we promise to provide you with all the knowledge from our engineering arsenal. Please leave us a message in this contact form, and we’ll get back to you the same day! 


  • What are the basic steps of creating an AI application? arrow

    Here are four basic steps to make it simple for you.
    1. First, we communicate with our clients a lot to understand their AI & machine learning app ideas better, study their market, and plan out our project.
    2. After that, we prepare data to train the future algorithm. Much time at this point is dedicated to data labeling and structuring to ensure that an AI app uses only appropriate datasets for required tasks.
    3. The third step is fundamental, as we develop the app’s minimum viable product (MVP), proof of concept (PoC), and full-fledged version.
    4. At the last stage, we make an app public and continue updating and improving it.

  • How much does it cost to develop an AI-based application? arrow

    The cost to develop an AI app strongly depends on the app’s features and tech stack. Some AI app ideas boil down to creating a simple minimum viable product for pitching to investors. Such solutions may cost you around 10,000 USD. But if you have complex app logic in mind, the estimated sum may rise ten times or more. That is why the discovery phase is so important for AI-based projects – it sheds a lot of light on time & money investments.

  • What are the main trends in creating AI applications? arrow

    The main AI app development trends include deep learning integrations for more accurate predictions and personalized experiences, the rise of natural language processing (NLP) for improved human-computer interactions, and increased use of AI in automation and robotics for efficiency. We should also mention artificial intelligence app ideas in data analysis for insights and decision-making, the focus on ethical AI and explainability for transparency and trust, and the push towards edge AI for decentralized processing.

About the author
Alex Shatalov Data Scientist & ML Engineer

Alex is a Data Scientist & ML Engineer with an NLP specialization. He is passionate about AI-related technologies, fond of science, and participated in many international scientific conferences.

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