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12 March 2021

Stock Trading App Development: Our Advice

Today, investment and trading platforms are changing faster than ever and moving to a digital world. Stock buying and selling on mobile is no longer an insufficiently explored area, but the "new black" in trading.   Smartphone stock-trading apps allow investors to work from wherever they are. So-called DIY (do-it-yourself) investment is very popular with millennials, who, according to Investopedia, are active in the stock market. But other categories of individuals also...

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26 February 2021

Creating a Personal Finance App: Costs, Monetization Strategy, and Development Process

One of the easiest ways to run out of money is not to have a plan for spending. Despite the thousands of books and blogs that have been published about the topic, budgeting is always a personal task — just you and your money. But there is a way to simplify the management of your finances: using special mobile applications.  These apps help users to spend money more clearly, and they are an excellent way for startups to...

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12 February 2021

How to Build a Mobile Wallet App: CHI Software’s Advice

The latest reports show that every week more than 25 percent of people make purchases via mobile devices. Most transactions are done through the merchant's applications. For this reason, global mobile payment incomes crossed US$1 trillion in 2019.   Millennials who have grown up in the universe of gadgets are rapidly changing fintech. People worldwide are moving away from “physical” payments to digital tools, among which wallet applications (e-wallets) are of particular interest. They are useful for both sides of the deal...

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29 January 2021

Create a Money Transfer App in the World of P2P Transactions

Recent research studies show that in 2019, the number of smartphones surpassed five billion worldwide. The majority of owners use mobile devices to make direct peer-to-peer (P2P) payments. The popularity of such platforms is growing every day due to the simplicity, convenience, and high-speed operations processing.  In the United States alone, analysts predict that 52.5 percent of smartphones will have at least one monetary operation per month by 2022. People in other countries are also switching to P2P payments and need an appropriate mobile/web environment. Therefore, by offering such products, you occupy an interesting...

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11 January 2021

How to Create a Health Insurance Mobile Application

Health insurance companies have worked on the global market for a long time, and the industry is enormous. But not many healthcare businesses consider the need for mobile apps and neglect them. By doing so, insurance companies lose a significant part of their customers. According to the Accenture 2020 Digital Health Consumer Survey, 75 percent of patients understand the importance of healthcare apps and are ready to use the min personal insurance programs.  Smart mobile solutions can...

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8 December 2020

How to Start a Loan App: Guide for Startups and Enterprises

Loans designed to balance temporary money shortages are an integral part of a market economy. When requesting funds through a conventional method of applying, borrowers have always faced bureaucratic, organizational issues that are highly tedious and time-consuming to resolve. But getting loans is quick nowadays due to peer-to-peer (P2P) lending mobile applications.   Technologies transform our lives, and apps offer end-to-end solutions for easy application approval...

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